Canterbury, Christ Church

166 charters
  • S 8. A.D. 679 (Reculver, May). Hlothhere, king of Kent, to Abbot Beorhtwald and his minster; grant of land at Westanae on the Isle of Thanet, and in Sturry, Kent. Latin
  • S 230. A.D. 680 (? for 685). Cædwalla, king, to Wilfrid, bishop; grant of 70 hides (tributarii) at Pagham, Shripney, Charlton, Bognor, Bersted, North Bersted, Crimsham, North and South Mundham (and, in the shortened version, Slindon), all in Sussex, and to the community at St Andrew's church situated on the east of the harbour called Uedringmutha (Pagham Harbour), grant of 10 hides (tributarii) at Tangmere, Sussex. Latin with bounds
  • S 19. A.D. 697 or 712 (July). Wihtred, king of Kent, to St Mary's Church, Lyminge; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Pleghelmestun, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 21. A.D. 700 or 715. Wihtred, king of Kent, to St Mary's Church, Lyminge; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Pleghelmestun and pasture in Romney Marsh. Latin with bounds
  • S 65. A.D. 704 (13 June). Swæfred, king of Essex, and Pæogthath, comes, with the consent of Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Waldhere, bishop; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Twickenham, Middx, with confirmation by Cenred and Ceolred, kings of Mercia. Ceolred's confirmation took place at Arcencale. Latin with bounds
  • S 1428b. A.D. 704 x 705. Letter of Waldhere, bishop of London, to Brihtwold, archbishop of Canterbury, concerning a dispute which had arisen between the king of the West Saxons and the rulers of the East Saxons. Latin
  • S 22. A.D. 699 x 716 (Bapchild, Kent). Wihtred, king of Kent, to the churches and monasteries of Kent; grant of privileges and immunity to the churches and monasteries of Kent, with specific prohibition of lay domination over St Peter's at Upmynster, Reculver, Minster-in-Thanet, Dover, Folkestone, Lyminge, Minster-in-Sheppey and Hoo. Confirmation, dated A.D. 716, at a synod at Cloveshoh. Latin
  • S 100. A.D. 716 x 757. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Wihtred, his comes, and to Ansith, Wihtred's wife; grant of 7 hides (manentes) in the regio called Geddinges (cf. Yeading), Middx. Latin with bounds
  • S 23. A.D. 732 (Canterbury, 20 Feb.). Æthelberht II, king of Kent, to Dunn, priest and abbot, and the church of St Mary (Lyminge); grant of land by the river Limen and at Sandtun (Sampton, lost, in West Hythe), Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 24. A.D. 741 (Lyminge). Æthelberht II, king of Kent, to the church of St Mary, Lyminge; grant of fishing rights in the river Limen, land around the oratorium of St Martin (? at New Romney), and pasture at Biscopes wic (The Wicks, Broomhill, Kent). Latin with bounds
  • S 90. A.D. 742 (Clofeshos). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to the Kentish churches; confirmation of privileges. Latin
  • S 92. A.D. 749 (Gumley, Leics.). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, in favour of the minsters and churches (of Mercia); grant of privileges. Latin
  • S 31. c. A.D. 748 x 762. Eardwulf, king of Kent, to Heaberht, abbot, and his familia in the minster at Reculver; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Perhamstede in Higham Upshire, Kent. Latin
  • S 106. A.D. 764 for 767. Offa, king of Mercia, to Stithberht, abbot; grant of 30 hides (manentes) between Harrow and the Lidding (Wealdstone Brook) and east of the Lidding, Middx., in exchange for 30 hides at Wicham in Ciltinne. Latin
  • S 50. c. A.D. 765. Ealdwulf, king, to Hunlaf, his comes: grant, in order to found a minster, of 16 hides (casata) at Stanmer, Lindfield and Burleigh, Sussex, with confirmation by Offa, king of Mercia. Latin with English bounds
  • S 108. A.D. 772 (15 August). Offa, king of the English, to Oswald, bishop; grant, for the foundation of a minster, of 8 hides (cassati) at Bexhill, Sussex, with reversion to the bishopric of Selsey. With a list of gavel-land appurtenant to Bexhill, namely, Barnhorne, Worsham, on Ibbanhyrste, Crowhurst, on Hricge, on Gyllingan, Foxham (lost, in Crowhurst), on Blacanbrocan (? Black Brooks in Westfield), and Icklesham, all in Sussex. Latin with English bounds
  • S 110. A.D. 774. Offa, king of the English, to Jænberht, archbishop; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Higham Upshire, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 111. A.D. 774. Offa, king of the English, to Jænberht, archbishop; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at Lydd, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 38. A.D. 784. Ealhmund, king of Kent, to Wihtred, abbot, and his familia at Reculver; grant of 12 sulungs (aratra) at Sheldwich, Kent. Latin
  • S 123. A.D. 785 (Chelsea, Middx). Offa, king of Mercia, to Ealdbeorht, minister, and Selethryth, his sister; grant of 14 sulungs (aratra) at Ickham and Palmstead, Kent, with woodland in the Weald and other appurtenances. Latin
  • S 125. A.D. 786 (Chelsea, Middx). Offa, king of Mercia, to Ealdbeorht, minister, and his sister, Selethryth, abbess; grant of 15 sulungs (aratra) at Ickham, Palmstead and Ruckinge, Kent, with swine-pastures, woodland and other appurtenances, including an urban tenement (vicus) at Curringtun in Canterbury. Latin with English
  • S 128. A.D. 788 (Chelsea, Middx). Offa, king of Mercia, to Osberht, his minister, and Osberht's wife; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Duningcland in the Eastry district, Kent. Latin
  • S 132. A.D. 790 for ? 795 (London). Offa, king of the English, to Æthelheard, archbishop of Canterbury; grant of 60 hides (tributaria) at Hayes and Yeading and 30 at Twickenham, Middx. Latin
  • S 153. A.D. 798. (a) Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Oswulf, his dux and minister; grant of land at Hremping wiic, also known as Hafingseota, south of the river Limen, Kent, in exchange for land at Bobingseata. (b) Oswulf grants the land to Lyminge minster. Latin
  • S 1258. A.D. 798 (Clofesho). Æthelheard, archbishop of Canterbury, to Cynethryth, abbess; grant of the minsters at Cookham, Berks., and at Pectanege, in exchange for 60 hides (cassati) at Fleet, 30 at Teynham and 20 at the source of the Cray, Kent. Latin
  • S 1430a. A.D. 798. Decree of a council of Bapchild, Kent, concerning the liberties of the Church. Latin
  • S 155. A.D. 799 (Tamworth, Staffs.). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Christ Church, Canterbury; restoration of 30 sulungs (aratra) at Charing, 10 at Seleberhtes cert or Bryning lond (Chart) and 4 at Humbinglond in Barham, Kent, previously seized and redistributed by King Offa. Latin
  • S 156. A.D. 799 (17 July). King Coenwulf and his wife Cynegyth to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Giddinge and Wootton, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 1186a. A.D. 799 x 801. Pilheard, comes of Coenwulf, king of Mercia, declares that he has obtained immunities for his 30-hide estate in Middlesex, in return for 200 solidi and an annual render of 30 solidi. The land is to be free from all public renders and burdens and from fines at folk-moots, but the landowner shall still be liable to construction of bridges and fortifications and shall owe the military service of five men. Latin
  • S 1431a. A.D. 803. Decree of a council of Clofesho concerning the restoration of the metropolitan rights of the see of Canterbury and the abolition of the archbishopric of Lichfield. Latin
  • S 1431b. A.D. 803. Decree of a council of Clofesho concerning the lordship of minsters. Latin
  • S 160. A.D. 804. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, and Cuthred, king of Kent, to Selethryth, abbess, and her familia at Lyminge; grant of land in Canterbury to serve as a refuge. Latin
  • S 39. A.D. 805. Cuthred, king of Kent, to Aldberht, his minister, and Selethryth, abbess; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Ruckinge, Kent. Latin
  • S 40. A.D. 805 (26 July, Acleah). Cuthred, king of Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Hrithra leah, part of an estate of 15 hides (manentes) at Buckholt in Petham, Kent, in return for 30 mancuses. Latin
  • S 161. A.D. 805 (Acleah). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, and Cuthred, king of Kent, to Wulfhard, priest; grant of 2 hides (manentes), equivalent to one sulung, at Swarling, Kent, and one 'yokelet' (an geocled) at Ecgheanng lond. Latin
  • S 1188. A.D. 805 x 810 (or 805 x 815). Oswulf, aldormonn, and Beornthryth, his wife, to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of 20 sulungs at Stanhamstead (in Aldington), Kent, with confirmation by Archbishop Wulfred. English
  • S 1259. A.D. 805. Æthelheard, archbishop of Canterbury, recovers for Christ Church 4 sulungs (aratra) at Bishopsbourne, Kent, originally granted by Aldhun, confiscated by Offa, king of Mercia, and now restored as the result of a synodal judgement. Latin
  • S 41. A.D. 805 x 807. Cuthred, king of Kent, to Æthelnoth, praefectus; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at Eythorne, Kent, in return for 3000 pence. Latin
  • S 163. A.D. 808 (Tamworth, Staffs., Easter Day, 16 April). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Eadwulf, minister; grant of 1.5 sulungs (aratra) at Cooling, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 164. A.D. 809 (Croydon, Staffs.). Coenwulf, king of Mercia and Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 7 sulungs (aratra) at Barham, Kent, in return for 30 pounds. Confirmed at Canterbury in A.D. 810. Latin with bounds
  • S 168. A.D. 811 (London, 1 August). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Appincg lond in Rainham, 2 sulungs at Suithhunincg lond at Graveney near Faversham, and 2.5 hagae in Canterbury, all in Kent, in return for 126 mancuses. Latin with bounds
  • S 1264. A.D. 811 (Canterbury, 21 April). Wulfred, archbishop, to Christ Church; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at Folcwining lond in the district of Eastry, 1 at Liminum and 1 at Dunwaling lond, Kent, in exchange for 4 sulungs at Bishopsbourne, Kent. The land at Liminum had been granted to Wulfred by Coenwulf, king of Mercia, in exchange for land at Yarkhill, Herefords., which Wulfred had obtained from Queen Cynethryth. The land at Bishopsbourne had been given to Christ Church by Aldhun, confiscated by King Offa, and then restored. Latin
  • S 169. A.D. 812. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Graveney and a 'yokelet' (ioclet) at Caseborne (lost) in Cheriton, Kent, in exchange for 1 sulung (equivalent to 2 manentes) at Swarling, Kent, and a 'yokelet' at Ecgheang lond. Latin with bounds
  • S 170. A.D. 812 (London, 31 October). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 20 iugera at Ibentea in the Faversham district and a further 2 in the same area. Latin
  • S 1265. A.D. 813 for 808 x 813. Wulfred, archbishop of Canterbury, to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of constitution for the familia. Latin
  • S 175. A.D. 814. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at Bexley, Kent, with swine-pastures. Latin with English bounds
  • S 176. A.D. 814. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 30 iugera at Bingley's Island, Canterbury. Latin
  • S 177. A.D. 814 (Bearwe, 25 November). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of one sulung (aratrum) at Cynincges cua lond, Kent (? Kingsland (lost) in Faversham hundred), in return for 7 pounds of gold and silver. Latin with bounds
  • S 178. A.D. 815 (Wychbold, Worcs., 19 March). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 1 hide (manens) at Seleberhting lond in the district of Faversham, Kent, in return for a ring of 23 mancuses. Latin with bounds
  • S 1500. A.D. 805 x 832. Will of Æthelnoth, reeve at Eastry, and Gænburg, his wife, concerning arrangements for the disposition of land at Eythorne, Kent. English
  • S 186. A.D. 822 (Bydictun, 17 September). Ceolwulf, king of Mercia and Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Mylentun, near Kemsing, Kent, in return for a gold ring worth 75 mancuses. Latin with bounds
  • S 187. A.D. 823 (Werburgingwic, 26 May). Ceolwulf, king of Mercia and Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of land in Canterbury, in return for a gold and silver vessel of 5.5 pounds. Latin with bounds
  • S 1266. A.D. 824 (Canterbury, 23 July). Wulfred, archbishop, to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Eythorne and Langdon in Eythorne, in exchange for 5 sulungs at Barham and Suithberhtincglond, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 1434. A.D. 824 (Clofesho). Record of the recovery by Archbishop Wulfred of land at Easole, Kent, granted to him by Ealdberht, comes, and Selethryth, his sister, but fraudulently acquired by Cwoenthryth, abbess of Minster-in-Thanet. Endorsed with bounds, in English, of Godmersham (cf. CCC 13, S 1620) and Challock, Kent. Latin with English bounds
  • S 1268. A.D. 825 x 832. Wulfred, archbishop of Canterbury, to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Sceldesforda near Wingham, Kent, plus the reversion of land given to Wulfred by Cyneheard the deacon and of a curtis within the monastery held by Dodda, monk. The curtis is to be used as an infirmary. Latin with bounds
  • S 1436. A.D. 825 for c. 827 (Clofesho). Record of a dispute between Archbishop Wulfred and Coenwulf, king of Mercia, and his heir Cwoenthryth, abbess, concerning the minsters of Reculver and Minster-in-Thanet. At an initial settlement in London (? late 821) Wulfred ceded to King Coenwulf 300 hides at Iognes homme (? Eynsham, Oxon.). In subsequent settlements (at Clofesho and Oslafeshlau) Cwoenthryth ceded to Wulfred land at Harrow, Middx; Herefrethingland; Wembley, Yeading, Middx; Boc land; and Combe, Kent. Latin
  • S 188. A.D. 831 (Wychbold, Worcs.). Wiglaf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Botwell in Hayes, Middx. Latin with bounds
  • S 1414. A.D. 830 for 832 or after. Werhard, presbiter, to Christ Church, Canterbury; bequest of land comprising 104 hides at Harrow, Middx; 100 at Otford, 32 at Graveney, 44 at Burnan (? Bishopsbourne), 10 at Easole, 36 at Barham, Kent; and 1 iugum at Lambahamm by the river Lympne, 1 iugum at Northuuda, and 1 mansio at Canterbury [all of which had previously belonged to his kinsman, Archbishop Wulfred]; also 32 hides at Hayes, Middx, land at Megeldewrthe, 8 hides at Cuniland and 30 hides at Twickenham, Middx. [from his own patrimony]. Latin
  • S 270. A.D. 773 for 833. Egbert, king of Kent, to Dunn, abbot, and the church of St Mary's (Lyminge); grant of 150 iugera at Sandtun (Sampton, lost, in West Hythe, Kent). Latin with bounds
  • S 323. c. A.D. 833 x 839, perhaps 833 x 836. Æthelwulf, king of Kent, to (Christ Church, Canterbury); confirmation of lands at Langham, Blakeburneham, Plegwingham, Ofneham; pasture in Hliossole and Ægelbertinherst; common in woods in Estcogheringdenne and Hyringdenne; land at Canterbury with meadows at Shettinge and Thanington, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 1482. A.D. 833 x 839. Will of Abba, reeve, concerning his property (the only named land being at Chillenden, Kent); with endorsement detailing the arrangements made by Heregyth, his wife, for an annual render to Christ Church, Canterbury, from an estate at Challock, Kent. English
  • S 286. A.D. 838 (Canterbury, 19 Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of Kent, to Ceolnoth, archbishop; grant of one hide (mansio) at Eastre(a)stadelham. Latin with English bounds
  • S 1438. A.D. 838 (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey). Record of the agreement made at Kingston, between Archbishop Ceolnoth and Kings Egbert and Æthelwulf concerning the restoration to Christ Church, Canterbury, of land at Mallingum (East Malling, Kent or South Malling, Sussex), previously granted by Baldred, king of Kent. In return Ceolnoth and the Christ Church community and their successors promise loyalty to the West Saxon kings and their heirs. An additional passage concerns an agreement over the election of abbots and abbesses to the Kentish minsters. Confirmations by King Æthelwulf (at a meeting at Wilton) and (A.D. 839) by bishops south of the Humber, at a synod æt Astran. Latin
  • S 287. (1) A.D. 839 (Wye, Kent). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Ithda or Dudda; grant of land at Canterbury. (2) Confirmation by Alfred, king of Wessex and note of purchase by Lulla from Æthelwald (A.D. 871 x 888). (3) Later note of purchase by Archbishop Dunstan and grant to St Martin's, Canterbury (A.D. 959 x 988). Latin with English
  • S 293. A.D. 843 (Mereworth, Kent, 28 May). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Æthelmod, his minister; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at (Little) Chart, Kent, with woodland and swine pastures. Latin with bounds
  • S 204. A.D. 844 x 845. Berhtwulf, king (of Mercia), to Forthred, his thegn; grant of 9 hides at Wotton Underwood, Bucks., in return for 30 mancuses and 900 shillings. English with bounds
  • S 319. A.D. '874' ? for 844. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Eadred; grant of land at Horton, near Canterbury, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 1439. A.D. 844 (Canterbury). Account of the settlement of a dispute concerning estates belonging to Oswulf, dux, bequeathed by him in reversion to the Church and now held by the Kentish monasteries of Christ Church, Folkestone, Dover and Lyminge. They are claimed by a certain Æthelwulf, but the rights of the churches are upheld. Latin
  • S 282. A.D. 845 for 830. Egbert, king of Wessex and Kent, to Ætheric, minister; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Warehorne and Flotham (lost), Kent, in return for 50 mancuses. Latin with English bounds
  • S 296. A.D. 845 (Wye, Kent, 16 Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Badanoth, his apparitor; grant of land near Canterbury, in return for 15 mancuses of gold. Latin
  • S 1194. A.D. 845 (London, 8 Nov.). Werenberht, minister and prefectus, to Werheard, priest and abbot; exchange of 1 hide (cassatus) in Roxeth, Middx, formerly belonging to the vill at Greenford, Middx, for similar land. Latin
  • S 1510. A.D. 845 x 853. Will of Badanoth Beotting. English
  • S 1195. c. A.D. 850. (1) Ealhburg and Eadweald, and (2) Ealhhere to Christ Church (Canterbury); grant of renders from land at Burnan and at Finglesham, Kent. English
  • S 1204a. s. ix. Alfred, aldormon, and Wærburg, his wife, declare that they have ransomed holy books from the Danish army and now wish to donate them to Christ Church, Canterbury. English
  • S 1269. A.D. 833 x 870. Ceolnoth, archbishop of Canterbury, to his familia at Canterbury; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Langdon, Kent. Latin
  • S 1197. A.D. 843 x 863. Lufu, ancilla Dei, to Christ Chuch, Canterbury; grant of annual render from her estate at Mongeham, Kent. English
  • S 316. A.D. 855 for ? 853. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Ealdhere, his minister; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Ulaham, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 328. A.D. 858. Æthelberht, king, to Wulflaf, his minister; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Wassingwell in exchange for 5 sulungs at Mersham, Kent, with conversion of the latter into folkland. Latin with English, bounds in Latin
  • S 1199. A.D. 858 x 866. Ealhhere to Oswig and Weahtryth; grant of land (? in Canterbury). Latin
  • S 1196. ? A.D. 859. 1. Plegred declares that he has purchased from Æthelmod, dix, a half tun which previously pertained to Wilburgewellan near Canterbury (? Well near Ickham), Kent. 2. Æthelmod grants the land to Plegred. Latin and English with bounds
  • S 332. A.D. 863 (Birenefeld). (1) Æthelberht, king of Wessex and Kent, to Æthelred, minister; grant of 9 sulungs (aratra) at Mersham, Kent, in return for 400 mancuses of gold. Latin with bounds. (2) Eadwald to St Augustine's, Canterbury; grant of land at Willesborough, Kent. Latin with bounds
  • S 338. A.D. 867 (Canterbury). Æthelred, king of Wessex and Kent, to Wighelm, presbyter; grant of a seat in the church of St Martin, with land appurtenant. Latin with bounds
  • S 1200. A.D. 867 x 870. Eadweald, son of Oshere, and Cynethryth, widow of Æthelmod, aldorman ; agreement concerning land at Chart, Kent. English
  • S 1204. A.D. 888 for ? 868. Cialwulf to Eanmund; grant of land in Canterbury, in return for 120 silver pence; with added note of a purchase by Æthelhere in A.D. 888. Latin
  • S 214. A.D. 869. Burgred, king of Mercia, and Æthelswith, queen, to Wulflaf; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Upthrop, in return for 50 mancuses of gold. The estate is to descend in the male line. Latin with English bounds
  • S 344. A.D. 873. Alfred, king, and Æthelred, archbishop, to Liaba, son of Birgwine; grant of land at Ileden, Kent, in return for 25 mancuses of gold. Latin with English
  • S 1203. A.D. 875. Eardwulf to Wighelm; grant of 1 sulung and a 'yokelet' at Hamme (? Ham in Romney Marsh, Kent), in return for 120 mancuses of gold; with confirmation by Archbishop Plegmund, A.D. 890 x 923. The land had been given to Eardwulf by King Alfred. Latin with bounds
  • S 1202. A.D. 870 x 889. Alfred, dux, makes an agreement with Archbishop Æthelred and the community at Christ Church. Alfred receives life-use of an estate at Croydon, Surrey, in return for bequeathing an estate at Chartham, Kent, to Christ Church after his death. Old and Middle English versions
  • S 1508. A.D. 871 x 899. Will of Alfred, ealdorman, including bequests of 32 hides at Sanderstead and Selsdon in Surrey, 20 at Westerham in Kent, 6 at Lingfield and 10 at Horsley, both in Surrey, and 6 at Nettlestead, Kent [to his wife, Werburg, and their daughter, Alhthryth]; of a annual render of 200 pence from an estate at Clapham, Surrey [to Chertsey minster]; of 2 hides at Waddington and 1 at Gatton, Surrey [to his son, Æthelwald]; of 1 hide at Linkfield in Reigate, Surrey, to his kinsman Beorhtsige; of land at Nettlestead, Kent, to his kinsman Sigewulf, burdened with an annual render to Christ Church, Canterbury; of land at Farleigh, Kent, burdened with an annual render to Rochester, to Eadred, after Æthelred's time, with reversion to Alfred's maternal relatives. English
  • S 1276. (1) A.D. 889. Swithulf, bishop, and the community at Rochester, to Beorhtwulf; grant of a half sulung (aratrum) at Haddun (Haven Street in Frindsbury), with meadows at Beckley and Strood, Kent. Latin with English bounds. (2) A.D. 963 x 975. Endorsement by King Edgar granting the land to Leofric. English
  • S 350. A.D. 898 (Woolmer, Hants.). Alfred, king of the Saxons, to Sighelm, dux; grant of 1 hide (manens) at Farleigh, Kent, with appurtenant meadow. Latin with English and English bounds
  • S 367. A.D. 903. King Edward, with Æthelred and Æthelflæd of Mercia, at the request of Æthelfrith, dux, renews the charter of a grant by Athulf to Æthelgyth, his daughter, of 30 hides (cassati) at Monks Risborough, Bucks. Latin with English bounds
  • S 1288. A.D. 924, probably for 905 (or 920). Plegmund, archbishop, to Byrthræd; lease, for three lives, of 80 iugera at Wærincg mersc, near the river Rumenesea, Kent, in return for a payment of 385 pence, with reversion of Christ Church. Latin with bounds
  • S 1445. A.D. 899 x 924. Letter to King Edward explaining the history of land at Fonthill. English
  • S 398. A.D. 927. King Athelstan to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Folkestone, Kent, the site of a former minster. Latin
  • S 425. A.D. 934 (Winchester, 28 May). King Athelstan to Ælfwald, minister; grant of 12 hides (cassatae) at Derantune. (probably Durrington, Sussex) Latin with English bounds
  • S 447. A.D. 939. King Athelstan to Eadwulf, minister; grant of 12 hides (mansae) at Meopham, Kent. Latin with English bounds
  • S 1209. A.D. 939. Wiihelm (? Winhelm) to Wulfhelm, archbishop; grant of land to the south of Canterbury. Latin with bounds
  • S 464. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Æthelswith, a nun; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Oswaldingtune (near Ashford, Kent). Latin with English bounds
  • S 1210. A.D. 940. Eadulf, dux, to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Darenth and Meopham, Kent. Latin
  • S 477. A.D. 941. King Edmund, with Eadred his brother and Eadwig his son, to Christ Church, Canterbury; restoration of land at Twickenham, Middx; Preston near Faversham, Wingham, Swarling, Bossington, Graveney and Ulcombe, Kent; with reference to grant by King Athelstan to Christ Church, Canterbury, of land at Tarring, Sussex. Latin
  • S 489. A.D. 943. King Edmund to his mother [Eadgifu]; grant of 10 sulungs at North Mynstre, Thanet, Kent. Latin with English bounds
  • S 512. A.D. 943. King Edmund to Ælfstan, minister; grant of 6 hides (mansae), equated with 6 sulungs, at Miclan grafe in Thanet, Kent. Latin with English bounds
  • S 497. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Ælfstan, minister; grant of 12 hides (mansae) or sulungs at Ealdingtune (? Monkton) in Thanet, Kent. Latin with English bounds
  • S 510. A.D. 946. King Edmund to Ordhelm and Ælfwold, his men; grant of a 'yokelet' (an iuclæte) and 10 segetes at Gamelanwyrthe, Kent. Latin with English bounds
  • S 515. (A.D. 946.) Kings Edmund, Eadred and Eadwig to Christ Church (Canterbury); restoration of land at Twickenham, Middlesex; Preston, Ealdingtun (? Monkton in Thanet), Swarling, Wingham, Kent; Graveney, Bossington, Ulcombe and Tarring, Sussex. Latin
  • S 528. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Oswig, minister; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Merstham, Surrey. Latin with English bounds
  • S 535. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Ælfwyn, a religious woman; grant of 6 hides (mansae), equated with 6 sulungs, at Wickhambreux, Kent, in return for 2 pounds of purest gold. Latin with English bounds
  • S 537. A.D. 948 (Godeshylle, ? Gadshill, Kent). King Eadred to Canterbury Cathedral; grant of 30 hides (mansi) at Twickenham, Middx. Latin
  • S 546. A.D. 949. King Eadred to Canterbury Cathedral; grant of Reculver minster and its lands, estimated at 26 hides (cassati). Latin with English bounds
  • S 1506. A.D. 941 x 958 (? 958). (a) Agreement between Æthelweard and Archbishop Oda and the Christ Church community over land at Ickham, Kent. (b) Later agreement between Eadric and Christ Church respecting the estate. English
  • S 1211. c. A.D. 959. Eadgifu, queen, to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Cooling, and at Osterland, Kent, with an account of the history of these estates. English
  • S 1212. A.D. 961. Latin version of S 1211 with note of grant by Eadgifu, queen, to Christ Church, Canterbury, of land at Meopham, Cooling, Lenham, Pettham (Petham or Peckham), Farleigh, Monkton, and Ealdintun, Kent; with confirmation by King Æthelred (A.D. 995 x 1005). Latin
  • S 717. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Ingeram, his faithful minister; grant of 7 hides (cassati) at Vange, Essex. Latin with English bounds
  • S 808. A.D. 963 x 971. King Edgar to the church of Canterbury; grant of Sandwich, Kent. Latin
  • S 1215. A.D. 968. Æthelflæd to Ælfwold; grant of a swine-pasture at Heronden in Tenterden, Kent, in return for 1450 pence. English and Latin with English bounds
  • S 1451a. s. x2. Account of the consecration in 905 of seven bishops (for Winchester, Ramsbury, Sherborne, Wells, Crediton, Selsey and Dorchester), and statement of the assignment to Crediton, on that occasion, of land at Pawton in St Breock, Cællincg and Lawhitton, Cornwall. Latin
  • S 1501. c. A.D. 960 x 994. Will of Æthelric, including bequest of all his land to his wife, with reversions as follows; land at Bocking, Essex, part to Christ Church and part to the church at Bocking; at Rayne, Essex, to St Paul's, London; at Copford and Glazenwood in Bradwell, Essex, to Ælfstan, bishop (of London); at Northho, part to St Gregory's, Sudbury, and part to St Edmunds at Bedericesworth (Bury). English
  • S 1454. A.D. 990 x 992. Record of a dispute between Wynflæd and Leofwine about land at Hagbourne and Bradfield, Berks., and at Datchet, Bucks., which was settled at the shire-moot at Cwicelmshlæwe (Scutchamer Knob, Berks.). English
  • S 882. A.D. 995 for 994. King Æthelred to Æscwig, bishop (of Dorchester); confirmation of 30 hides (mansiunculae) at Monks Risborough, Bucks. The land had been sold to Æscwig by Sigeric, archbishop of Canterbury, for 90 pounds of silver and 200 mancuses of gold, in order to raise money to pay off the Danes threatening Canterbury. Latin
  • S 939. A.D. 995 x 999 (Cookham). King Æthelred confirms the will of Æthelric (i.e. S 1501), including the bequest of land at Bocking, Essex, to Christ Church, Canterbury. English
  • S 1218. A.D. 995 x 999. Æthelric and Leofwyn to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Bocking and Mersea, Essex. Latin
  • S 1378. A.D. 995. Æscwig, bishop of Dorchester, to Ælfric, archbishop, and Christ Church, Canterbury; return of land at Monks Risborough, Bucks., mortgaged to him by Archbishop Sigeric. Latin
  • S 905. A.D. '1003' for 1002 (Canterbury, 11 July). King Æthelred to Æthelred, his faithful man; lease, for the lives of himself and his wife, of land in Canterbury and of 6 agri outside the city, in return for 7 pounds, with reversion to Christ Church, Canterbury. Latin with English bounds
  • S 914. A.D. 1006 for 1002. King Æthelred to Christ Church, Canterbury; refoundation of the monastic community and confirmation of land at Eastry, Ickham, Bossington, Adisham, Appledore, Swarling, Preston, Graveney, Westwell, Chart and Farleigh, Kent; at Patching, Sussex; at Meopham and Cooling in West Kent; at Walworth, Surrey; at Risborough, Bucks.; at Lawling in Latchingdon, Essex; at Hadleigh and Monks Eleigh, Suffolk; and in Thanet. Latin and English versions
  • S 1503. A.D. 1014. Will of the Ætheling Æthelstan, including bequests of land at Adderbury, Oxon., Marlow, Bucks., and (Steeple) Morden, Cambs., to Old Minster, Winchester; at Hollingbourne and Garrington in Littlebourne, Kent, to Christ Church, Canterbury; at Rotherfield (? Sussex) to Nunnaminster, Winchester; at Chalton, Hants., Northtune and at Mollington, Oxon., to King Æthelred; land in East Anglia and Peacesdele (? Peak District or Pegsdon, Beds.) to Edmund, his brother; at Hambleden, Bucks., to Ælfmær; at Cumtune to Godwine; at Westune to Ælfswith; at Heorulfestune to Ælfwine; at Catherington, Hants., to Ælfmær; at Hockcliffe, Beds., to Siferth; at Tewin, Herts., to Æthelweard the Stammerer and to Lyfing; at Lutegaresheale (? Ludgershall, Wilts.), to Godwine the Driveller. English
  • S 1461. A.D. 1016 x 1020. Marriage agreement between Godwine and Brihtric including grant to Brihtric's daughter of land at Street and at Burmarsh, Kent. English
  • S 950. A.D. 1018. King Cnut, at the request of Queen Ælfgifu (Emma) to Archbishop Ælfstan; grant of a copse called Hæselersc (Lower Hazelhurst) in Ticehurst, Sussex. Latin with English bounds
  • S 985. A.D. 1017 x 1020. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he has confirmed, at the request of Archbishop Lyfing, the liberties of Christ Church. English
  • S 952. A.D. 1018. King Cnut to Christ Church, Canterbury; confirmation of privileges. Latin
  • S 986. A.D. 1020. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Æthelnoth judicial and financial rights over his own men, and over Christ Church, and over as many thegns as the king has granted him to have. English
  • S 1386. A.D. 1020. Writ of Archbishop Wulfstan informing King Cnut and Queen Ælfgifu (Emma) that Æthelnoth has been consecrated to the see of Canterbury. English
  • S 959. A.D. 1023. King Cnut to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of the port of Sandwich. Latin and English versions
  • S 981. (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, Pentecost). King Cnut to Christ Church, Canterbury; reversionary grant of land at Folkestone, Kent, after the death of Eadsige, the king's priest. English and Latin versions
  • S 1221. A.D. 1026. Healthegen (? Haldane) Scearpa to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Saltwood, Kent. Latin
  • S 1390. A.D. 1020 x 1038. Æthelnoth, archbishop, to Ælfwold and Eadred, his ministri; lease of 50 agri at St Mary's Abbey, Reculver, to be held at the will of Guichardus, deacon of St Mary's. Latin
  • S 1464. A.D. 1020 x 1038 (Monks Risborough, Bucks.). Agreement between Archbishop Æthelnoth and Toki concerning land at Halton, Bucks., bequeathed to Christ Church by Wulfnoth. English
  • S 971. A.D. 1031. King Cnut to Hunuwine, minister; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Stoke Canon, Devon. Latin with English bounds
  • S 1465. A.D. 1032 or 1035. Declaration of arrangements made between Eadsige, priest, and Christ Church concerning land at Appledore, Warehorne, Berwick, Orpington, Palster and Wittersham, Kent. English
  • S 974. A.D. 1035. King Cnut to Bishop Eadsige; grant of a half sulung (aratrum) at Berwick in Lympne, Kent. Latin with English bounds
  • S 987. A.D. 1035. Writ of King Cnut declaring that Archbishop Æthelnoth is to continue to discharge the obligations on the lands belonging to the archbishopric at the same rate as he has done hitherto, both before and after the appointment of Æthelric as reeve. English
  • S 988. A.D. 1035. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Æthelnoth all the landed property that Ælfmær had. English
  • S 1222. ? A.D. 1036. Thored to Christ Church; grant of land at East Horsley, Surrey. English
  • S 1389. A.D. 1037. Æthelnoth, archbishop of Christ Church, to Christ Church; grant of land at Godmersham which he had bought from Earl Sired for 72 marks of gold. English and Latin versions
  • S 1467. After A.D. 1037 x 1040. Account of the restoration of Sandwich to Christ Church, Canterbury, by King Harold, and of a dispute between Christ Church and St Augustine's, Canterbury, concerning Sandwich. English
  • S 1044. A.D. 1042 x 1044. King Edward to Æthelred, optimas; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at West Cliffe, Kent. Latin with English bounds
  • S 1086. A.D. 1042 x 1044 or 1048 x 1050. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Eadsige and the monks of Christ Church all the lands they had in the time of the king's father and of all his predecessors. Latin
  • S 1087. A.D. 1042 x 1044 or 1048 x 1050. Writ of King Edward forbidding hunting in the woods or lands of Archbishop Eadsige except by the archbishop's command or licence. Latin
  • S 1229. A.D. 1042 x 1052. Statement by the Lady Ælfgifu (Emma), mother of King Edward, to the effect that she had acquired from King Cnut the estate at Newington, Oxon., on behalf of Christ Church, when it was forfeited by Ælfric. The king then granted it to the community. English
  • S 1530. A.D. 1042 x 1043. Bequest by Thurstan of land at Wimbish, Essex, to Christ Church. English and Latin versions
  • S 1005. A.D. 1044. King Edward to Ordgar, his faithful minister; grant of 1 pertica beneath Elddin (at Illand in Northill, Cornwall). Latin with English bounds
  • S 1472. A.D. 1044 x 1045. Record of the settlement of a dispute over St Mildrith's property between Ælfstan, abbot of St Augustine's, and Leofwine, priest. Leofwine gives up his claim in return for an annual payment of five pounds and a life-interest in 1 sulung at Langdon and 1 at Ileden, Kent, to revert to St Augustine's after his death. English
  • S 1473. A.D. 1044 x 1048. Account of the purchase of land at Offham, Kent, by Godric of Bourne from his sister, Eadgifu. English
  • S 1400. A.D. 1038 x 1050. Eadsige, archbishop, to St Augustine's, Canterbury; grant of land near Canterbury. English
  • S 1466. A.D. 1038 x 1050. Agreement between Archbishop Eadsige and Toki, confirming arrangements made in the time of Archbishop Æthelnoth about land at Halton, Bucks. (cf. S 1464). English
  • S 1471. c. A.D. 1045. Agreement between Archbishop Eadsige and Æthelric concerning land at Chart, Stowting, Milton and a haga in Canterbury, all in Kent. The land at Chart had been purchased by Archbishop Ceolnoth wth his own money from the thegn Hæletha and granted to him by charter by Æthelwulf, king of Wessex (A.D. 839 x 856; cf. CCC 18, S 1625). Old and Middle English versions
  • S 1535. A.D. 1042 x 1053, possibly 1046. Will of Wulfgyth, including bequests of land at Stisted, Essex, to her sons Ælfketel and Ketel, for life, with reversion to Christ Church (Canterbury); at Walsingham in East Carleton, East Carleton and Harling, Norfolk, to her sons Ulfketel and Ketel; at Saxlingham, Norfolk, and Somerton (or Somerleyton), Suffolk, to her daughters, Gode and Bote; at Chadacre, Suffolk, and Ashford (? Kent) to her daughter Ealdgyth; and at Fritton (Norfolk or Suffolk) to Earl Godwine and Earl Harold. English
  • S 1019. A.D. 1049. King Edward to Eadulf, his faithful minister; grant of 1.5 perticae at Tregony and at Trerice in St Dennis, Cornwall. Latin with English bounds
  • S 1234. A.D. 1052 x 1070, possibly 1054 ([London]). Brihtmær of Gracechurch (London) to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of reversion of land (at Gracechurch) with All Hallows Church, after the death of his wife, Eadgifu, and his sons, Eadmær and Æthelwine. English
  • S 1047. A.D. 1042 x 1066. King Edward to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Chartham, Kent, and Walworth, Surrey, and confirmation of land at Sandwich, Eastry, Folkestone, Thanet, Adisham, Ickham, Chartham, Godmersham, Westwell, East Chart, the other Chart, Berwick, Brook, Warehorne, Appledore, Mersham, Orpington, Preston, Meopham, Cooling, Farningham, Hythe, Hollingbourne, Farleigh, Peckham, all in Kent; at Patching and Wootton in Sussex; at Walworth, Merstham, Cheam, and Horsley in Surrey; at Southchurch, Laver, Milton (Hall) in Prittlewell, Lawling in Latchingdon, Bocking, St Osyth and Stisted in Essex; at Hadleigh and Monks Eleigh, Suffolk; at Monks Risborough in Bucks.; and at Newington and Britwell Prior, Oxon. English and Latin versions
  • S 1088. A.D. 1052 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Stigand and the community at Christ Church judicial and financial rights over their own men and over as many thegns as he has granted them to have. English
  • S 1089. A.D. 1052 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Stigand and the community at Christ Church all the lands that they had in the time of his predecessors and in his own time. English and Latin versions
  • S 1090. A.D. 1053 x 1061. Writ of King Edward declaring that the land at Mersham, Kent, is to belong to Christ Church with sake and soke, as fully and completely as Sigweard and his wife granted it to that house. English and Latin versions
  • S 1220. A.D. 1013 x 1020 (? 1013 x 1018). Godwine to Leofwine the Red; grant of a swine-pasture at Swithrædingdænne (? Southernden, Kent), which Leofwine attaches to Boughton (? Malherbe), Kent. English
  • S 1564. Boundary between dioceses of Canterbury and Rochester. English
  • S 1609. Eadbald, king of Kent, to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Adisham, Kent. Latin
22 manuscripts